5 Fun Fall Uses for Your Pontoon Boat
With children back in school and summer vacation a fond memory, you may be longing for days spent cruising the lake in your pontoon boat. But you don't have to put your boat away yet! Fall is a wonderful time to get out and enjoy weekends and evenings with friends and family.
Here are 5 fun ways you could make the most of the fall on your pontoon boat.
Back to School party
Once the initial excitement of going back to school starts to wear off, kids and parents can start to feel a little sluggish. Send out an invitation to a few neighborhood families to spend an afternoon on the boat. With some great food, friends and music and fall cruise can easily boost morale.
Harvest on the harbor
Move that fun fall gathering out onto the boat this year. September through November are all about apples, pumpkins and the delicious food and drink that accompany them. Invite some friends or family for a casual or even a semi-formal event on the water. Black ties, pumpkin pie and an evening on a pontoon boat will make for a memorable experience.
Trick-or-treat #BennyStyle
Gather your fellow "Pontooners" and organize a fun Halloween afternoon on the lake. Each boat can be decorated for the occasion and stocked with candy. Children can trick-or-treat from boat-to-boat.* Imagine how much more fun that pirate costume will be on your own pirate ship!
*Be sure each passenger is wearing a personal floatation device.
Sail-gating party
Football season is here, so make the most of the warm weather and move that Sunday afternoon gathering out onto the boat. Radio, mobile devices and satellite T.V. are great options for catching the game while you cruise. We've been told wings taste better on a pontoon boat.
Foliage cruise
If you happen to live in, or can travel to, part of the country where the leaves change color in the fall, take the boat out for a beautiful fall foliage tour. These cruises are quiet, peaceful and can be a romantic evening getaway.
We'd love to hear about how you use your pontoon boat in the fall! Send your ideas to us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Learn more about Bennington Pontoon Boats at https://www.benningtonmarine.com